
Friday, August 31, 2018

Book Review - Fiction

                                                       The Atlantis Plague trilogy

The first book of the Atlantis Plague trilogy is Atlantis Plague itself. It starts with a group of scientist searching for a alien spacecraft hidden under the huge ice cap in Antarctica . It recounts a story of a mining engineer who is hired by a nefarious group called the Immari. The mining engineer is hired to uncover the so called Atlantis which is hidden under the Bay of Gibralter, but it is also actually a ship. The ship is uncovered and the so called plague is released in the atmosphere. This is the Spanish Flu.

The second book is the Atlantis Gene. In this second book , what we actually think is a plague is actually a genetic modification given to us by the Atlantean ship to help humanity to go further in our technological and physical advancement. This is called the 'Great Leap', which is an actual term which happened right after the plague during the dark ages and after the Toba catastrophe.
          So it was actually the Atlateans , an alien species who were commandeering the entire human evolution. They helped us with agriculture, fire, advance language etc.

The third book is the Atlantis World. On the planet of the atlanteans the people there were attacked by other alien more advanced than them. So an atlantean decides to take revenge on this advanced species decides to use humans as soldiers to fight against this more advanced species.

So this series narrates what the plague was and how aliens played a major role in human history. The two protagonist of this book try to decode this entire plague theory and why would an alien species would be interested in humans. The book is filled with fantastic chase sequences, some mysterious facts in human evolution. Although the first two book are good the third book fails to keep you hooked as it jumps abruptly from the story ongoing on earth to the past of the atlanteans world.

To sum it up it is a kind of Dan Brown series based on facts, the language is simple and you will surely learn something new from these books.

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Book Review- Fiction

The  Immortal talks

This book is basically a spiritual fiction. The author or authors of this book have decided to stay anonymous as they have used a pseudonym 'Shunya' , so this book seems legit according to me but the readers might decide it for themselves.

It talks about a tribe called the Mahtangs who are devout followers of Lord Hanuman. ( By the way Mahtangs actually exist). It is said that after every 40 years Lord Hanuman himself visits these tribesmen  an imparts invaluable spiritual knowledge to them.

In the book there are also 3 monks who are secretly observing these tribesmen in order to gain insight into their lives and to see whether actually Lord Hanuman visits them.

Lord Hanuman actually does visit them and imparts knowledge to these people. At first he pays visit to the tribe leader but when he tries to tell his experience to his people they cannot hear only the part about Lord Hanuman, only when other people experience Lord Hanuman's visit then only they can share their experiences. In this way Lord Hanuman pays visit to each and every person in the tribe.

One important concept which he shares is about the soul and time and space. He says that not only space and time but all three space, time and soul are intertwined. It is said that the universe for a soul consists on time strings passing through a series of tunnels of space with the time strings not touching the space tunnels. When a free soul travels along these tunnels it can see various incidents happening in a person's life only if it touches the time string. The soul actually lives the life of that person. These tunnels are formed depending on the various life decisions  we take or do not take.
This was a very important insight for me an a thing to ponder upon during my free time